Many studies have confirmed the corrosion of dental alloys. Garhammer et al reported that specific metals such as silver, gold, chromium and others were higher in saliva of patients with metal restorations as in control patients. The researches stated that 'The metal content of saliva is affected among other things by intraoral metal restorations.*
Through saliva metal testing we can detect how amalgam metals of fillings or crowns are released into saliva. Systemic metal exposure should be confirmed through additional diagnostics.
* Garhammer P, Hiller KA, Reiginger T, Schmalz G. Metal content of saliva with and without metal restorations. Clinical Oral Investigations, Vol8, #4, 238-242
The number of amalgam fillings and dental alloys of 86 female patients were recorded. The salivary and urinary concentrations of mercury were determinated by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and the concentrations of various metallic components (silver, copper, tin, gold, palladium, platinum, cobalt, molybdenum, indium, gallium) were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The saliva concentrations of mercury were also determinated after chewing gum and the urinary concentrations of mercury and tin 45 minutes after application of 250mg DMPS (dimercaptopropane sulfonate). The salivary concentrations of mercury, silver, tin and the urinary mercury excretion after DMPS correlated significantly with the number of amalgam fillings, In contrast, there was an inverse significantly correlation between the urinary tin excretion after DMPS and the number of amalgam fillings; also between the urinary tin after DMPS and mercury in saliva before chewing. Possibly there are competitive interactions between the urinary excretion of mercury and tin. Dental alloys shows no effects of the mercury release from dental amalgam. Presumable oral galvanic elements do not exist. Our results showed, that the urinary excretion of metals before DMPS is unsuitable to value the metal burden due to amalgam fillings and dental alloys.
umwelt-medizin-gesellschaft 17 (1): 57-67
Prof. Dr. med. Ingrid Gerhard, Universitäts-Frauenklinik Heidelberg, Abt. für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Fertilitätsstörungen, Ambulanz für Naturheilkunde, Voßstr. 9, 69115 Heidelberg; Claudia Ganzer, Palmersdorfer Hof 16, D-50321 Brühl
Metals from tooth materials may partially dissolve in saliva and enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract. Amalgam contains over 50% mercury, at least 20% silver and around 10% tin and copper. When chewing, amalgam fillings can release toxic mercury vapors. Tin and lead, for example, can have a damaging effect on the central nervous system, just like mercury.
Source: : Naturarzt, Ratgeber für ein gesundes Leben
Campione necessario: 3ml.
Profilo dentale (P3):
Argento, Cadmio, Cobalto, Cromo, Gallio, Iridio, Mercurio, Molibdeno, Nichel, Palladio, Platino, Rame, Rhodium, Stagno
Profilo dentale + oro (P5)
Profilo dentale esteso (P43)
Parametro elementi esaminati come da profilo 3 più: Alluminio, Berillio, Boro, Cerio, Ferro, Lantanio, Manganese, Niobio, Renio, Rutenio, Tantalio, Titanio, Tungsteno, Vanadio, Zinco, Zirconium
Profilo dentale esteso + oro (P45)